Remembering Sunday

Azureru's Photoblog :P

My Remembering Sunday

The Sunday that I would remember

The Sunday that I would remember

It was a cozy sunday morning at Bandung, our final sunday morning before we have to go back to reality. After spending 4 days of vacation together at Jakarta and Bandung.

Well, where should I start…

In short, we know each-other because she is a bridesmaid of my bestfriend’s wife, and then we talked a lot about things trough YM for a while, I was going so witty and flirtaeous on the conversations, but she’s smart to decipher those and never freak out. An enjoyable moments of witty jokes, flirtaeous talks until someday.. she ask me to stop because she affraid ‘something-heart-related’ could happen if we go on like this.

She used to think of me as that flirtaeous guy who would flirt to any living girl on earth I guess πŸ™‚ but in reality it’s wrong πŸ˜€ well she ask me to stop since she’s affraid that she might fall to my game 😐

She never realize it before… but when she ask me to stop. There’s that throbing pain in my heart to not wanting to stop it… But how much I want to chat with her everyday about many things… I guess I start to fallin towards her

So I said to her back then how I feel. In YM. even then in the afternoon I think it was a cowardice stuff and almost made me book a flight to Jakarta that afternoon just to see her and said it in person. But OK… I’ll bear with a phone call then.. I ring her at night and reenact what I said to her the morning before.

I ask her… would you be my everything?

She didn’t said “Yes” imediately. She said that she need some times to consider about it. And then in the mean time.. I wrote this for her If you say YES II? and been calling my friends out there to give me some support and recomendation for her πŸ˜‰

Eventually she said YES, and then… I am planning to go on a vacation to see her @ Jakarta.

With the fear of not accepted and the worries that I could not live trough her expectation I took a flight to Jakarta to see her for the first time as her “everything”. And then finally we met πŸ™‚

She was affraid to not live though my expectation, so do I…

But you see.. when I first met her all I can do is staring at her beautiful smile, and said those cliche words again

I think I am in love again

And she laugh, a laugh I know I want to see and fight for it.

In the afternoon, I reenact all of those I said on YM and Phone about her.. about these feelings in front of her, and she said “YES” again for it πŸ™‚

33 responses to “My Remembering Sunday

  1. Eru Mei 18, 2010 pukul 4:09 am

    BTW, Jeffry is the one who took the pic, so the composition is kind of… odd

  2. yoan Mei 18, 2010 pukul 4:12 am

    huahahaaha…. *ngetawain pose-nya dulu*

  3. yoan Mei 18, 2010 pukul 4:15 am

    you guys are… so in love…

    *baru baca teks-nya*


  4. ice Mei 18, 2010 pukul 4:33 am

    ihiyyy… romantis.. ;))

  5. Ries Mei 18, 2010 pukul 4:42 am

    She used to think of me as that flirtaeous guy who would flirt to any living girl on earth


    Congrats, happy new life *eh ini bwt pas merit ya* =]

  6. Fajar Nurdiansyah Mei 18, 2010 pukul 6:22 am

    Nice story. Tadinya udah siap-siap baca ending “and then they live happily ever after” eh rupanya malah sejenis “and then they go back to reality”. Kapan live happily ever afternya?

  7. abet Mei 19, 2010 pukul 1:18 am

    did you mean “flirtatious”?

    I like the color of your photo, reminding me to avocado juice!!!


  8. hendra1tfk Mei 19, 2010 pukul 1:19 am

    Lagi mikir keadaan si tama waktu moto in.
    Kayaknya jadi obat nyamuk nih πŸ˜›

  9. tiar bukan blogger Mei 19, 2010 pukul 1:35 am

    Jadi TammaGO jauh2 “membuang” tabungan cutinya yang telah susah payah dikumpulkan hanya demi menjadi kambing conge? wkkkkk… *peace, Tam!* ^_^;
    Me like the story… and the picture, too…


  10. yoan satunya lagi Mei 19, 2010 pukul 5:03 am

    *ngakak guling2 bayangin tama

    btw, selamat win!!

  11. Nic Mei 20, 2010 pukul 7:44 am

    Uhuy…baru baca, btw it’s nice to see my bestie happy face when she with you, when we were hangin’ out di Mall yang gede itu :P..


    • Eru Mei 20, 2010 pukul 9:19 am

      Hmm it’s nice to see her happy face too nic πŸ™‚
      I’ve told people I wanna be her happiness *muluk2butitstrue*

      Iya itu mall gede banget, beuh >_<

  12. frozzy Mei 20, 2010 pukul 10:43 am

    oooooooooooo, jadi ke jakarta teh hengin ot di mall taman anggrek teh buat berpacaran ? hehehehehe…huhuy….seneng liatnya… *did I just say mall taman anggrek ?? sok tau pisan urang euy..*

  13. Red Stegosaur Mei 22, 2010 pukul 2:02 am

    Really want to eat that Kiwi Froyo with you again… It tastes better when I’m with you πŸ˜€
    Can’t wait for our next Remembering Sunday Sayang πŸ™‚

  14. andyan Mei 25, 2010 pukul 1:57 am

    aw aw aw
    *kok baca postingan ini rasa2nya merinding disko*

  15. ansella males login Mei 31, 2010 pukul 3:24 am

    iprikitiw priwit priiwwiiittt…..

    jakarta serasa milik berdua ye, tante aja sampe ga dikabarin wkwkwkwk…

    but i’m so happy for both of you, congratz yeee ruuu πŸ˜€ makan makaaannn……

  16. PetzLuvNeiz Juni 7, 2010 pukul 7:08 am

    loh, mas Eru nu couple toh
    denger gosip katanya dah ada yang punya?
    (gosip dari manaaaaa coba :P)

    moga2 langgeng mas πŸ™‚

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